From the Biobío Region, the second most important in Chile, the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (UCSC), contributes by training people, generating knowledge at the highest level, and contributing to social and spiritual development both locally and nationally. Founded by the Archdiocese of Concepción on July 10, 1991, the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción has continued the academic work that the Regional Talcahuano headquarters of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile developed in the area for two decades.

Through the Institute of Theology, its seven faculties (Law, Sciences, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Economic and Administrative Sciences, and Communications, History and Social Sciences) and the Technological Institute, the University has proposed itself in its educational processes support the talents of its students, training them as people of integrity, with a vocation for service. For this transcendental challenge, the University, supported by a comprehensive educational project and with a high-level academic community in permanent improvement, has shown a commitment to quality and excellence in its work, seeking continuous improvement through institutional self-evaluation processes. and programs leading to accreditation.

With all this, the Catholic University of the Holy Conception, in its vision, aspires to be recognized as a "center of excellence in the search for truth and radiation of knowledge for the good of humanity."

  • Lincoyan 265, Concepcion
  • Phone: (56-41) 234 5000