Doctorado interdisciplinario en ciencias ambientales

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  • Doctorado interdisciplinario en ciencias ambientales

natural Sciences


Earth sciences and environment

Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación

Playa Ancha University of Education Sciences

  • City: Valparaíso,
  • Commune: Valparaíso,
  • Region: Valparaíso Region

To train doctors with a solid knowledge in environmental sciences, capable of developing interdisciplinary research, oriented to the solution of complex environmental problems, emanating from the functioning of the ecosystem and the interaction between organisms / humans / environment.

Applicant Profile

Graduates from any area of knowledge with a minimum of 8 semesters may apply to the Interdisciplinary Program in Environmental Sciences.

Graduate profile

Graduates will have a solid background in environmental sciences and will be able to develop interdisciplinary research integrating basic and applied sciences. In addition, they will be able to: 1. Develop interdisciplinary research, with an emphasis on understanding and solving environmental problems and the interaction between organism and the environment, through methodologies derived from basic and applied sciences integrated in multidisciplinary areas (for example, in geophysics, biogeochemistry, biotechnology, biological stress and ethology, etc.) with an ethical perspective and social sense

2. Formulate and develop cutting-edge research projects that contribute autonomously to face environmental problems of regional, national and global interest that, in turn, contribute to knowledge in the different multidisciplinary areas linked.

Lines of investigation

The Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Environmental Sciences focuses on the field of environmental research, where two interdisciplinary lines of research interact. On the one hand, the line of ecosystem functioning (for example, integration of disciplines such as Geophysics and Biogeochemistry) and the line of organism and environment that includes the human being (for example, Ecology, Ethology, Biological Stress and bioremediation). Faculty academics and collaborators are involved in each line of research, who also interact collaboratively through joint research projects.