Doctorado en ingeniería electrónica

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  • Doctorado en ingeniería electrónica

Engineering and Technology


Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Federico Santa María Technical University

  • City: Valparaíso,
  • Commune: Valparaíso,
  • Region: Valparaíso Region

The program is aimed at the training of high quality and competent human resources so that they contribute to the scientific-technological development of Electronic Engineering Sciences. The objective of this Program is to train graduates with solid theoretical knowledge in the discipline, and with the capacity for independent research with
international standard.

Applicant Profile

Be in possession of the degree of Bachelor or Master in the discipline of Electronic Engineering or related. The Program Committee may exceptionally authorize by resolution, the entry of people who are in final graduation procedures or academic situations that merit it, being their final acceptance subject to obtaining the corresponding degree, in accordance with the procedure approved for that purpose by the Program Committee.

Graduate profile

The graduate of the Doctorate in Electronic Engineering program at the Federico Santa María Technical University has a solid academic training of high scientific, technological and human quality.
Creates scientific knowledge through research and technological innovation in the research lines of the Program, framed in one or more areas of the Department of Electronics, namely: Computers, Automatic Control, Power Electronics and Energy Conversion, Telecommunications and Processing of Signals, and Telematics. The transversal competences of the Profile are the following:
1. Carry out original and quality research autonomously, in the context of Electronic Engineering and its related areas, for the creation and dissemination of knowledge through international publications. 2. Make critical analyzes and informed judgments, contributing from their disciplinary field to the development of society.
3. Act with high standards of professional, social and ethical responsibility in the exercise of research or technological development activities for the benefit of society.
4. Proactively form work teams for the execution of both disciplinary and multidisciplinary activities.
5. To develop research activities in the context of original Electronic Engineering projects, or in a multidisciplinary context, applying methodological skills and exercising increasing autonomy. 6.Creatively apply advanced disciplinary knowledge in research or innovative technological problem solving

Lines of investigation

1. Automatic Control
2. Industrial Electronics
3. Computers
4. Telecommunications
5. Telematics