Doctorado en ciencias mención ecología y evolución

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  • Doctorado en ciencias mención ecología y evolución

natural Sciences


Other Natural Sciences

Universidad Austral de Chile

Austral University of Chile

  • City: Valdivia,
  • Commune: Valdivia,
  • Region: Los Ríos Region

The objectives of the Ph.D. program in Sciences, mention Ecology and Evolution, aims to provide advanced scientific training in the most developed naturalistic areas of our country, in order to generate integrative and independent scientists capable of conducting competitive research in ecological and evolutionary sciences, according to the highest international standards, verifiable through indicators such as ISI publications, ability to raise competitive award funds and ability to train future generations of scientists.

Applicant Profile

Chilean or foreign university graduates who have a Bachelor's degree in areas related to ecological and evolutionary sciences can apply to the program (for example, Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Natural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Forest Engineering, Natural Resources Engineering, Agronomy, Vet). For their application, they must complete an Admission Application that must be accompanied by the following background: Curriculum Vitae, certificate of degree or academic degree, medical certificate that accredits a health compatible with the activities of the Program, concentration of official notes of their last degree or grade (including scale), grade ranking and two letters of recommendation from outstanding academics. Likewise, foreign students must legalize all documents and prove adequate use of the Spanish language for those who do not have it as their native language.

Graduate profile

At the end of their studies, it is expected that the graduate of the Doctorate in Sciences program, mention Ecology and Evolution, will possess:
(a) A solid conceptual, theoretical and methodological training in ecology and evolution
(b) Ability to face and solve scientific problems associated with both disciplines
(c) Ability to propose and direct research projects autonomously in ecology or evolution
(d) Ability to communicate the results of their research both orally and in writing to various audiences

Lines of investigation

• Ecology
• Evolution