Doctorado en ciencias mención matemática

  • Start
  • Doctorado en ciencias mención matemática

natural Sciences



Universidad Católica del Norte

Northern Catholic University

  • City: Antofagasta,
  • Commune: Antofagasta,
  • Region: Antofagasta Region

To train Doctors of Science with a Mathematical Mention, with a solid training in the discipline, capable of leading research groups and conducting high-level university teaching.
Offer a doctoral program in mathematics for the macro-northern part of the country.

Applicant Profile

The Program is aimed at graduates with a Master's degree in Mathematics or related areas, in Chilean or foreign universities. Also, students who have obtained an excellent performance during the first year in the UCN Mathematical Mention Master of Science Program can enter the Program.

Graduate profile

The Doctor of Mathematical Science Mention from the Universidad Católica del Norte is a professional with a solid background in the discipline manifested in his ability to:

Make a critical analysis and understand the complex contents of the discipline.
Integrate and transmit their knowledge of the discipline in research groups.
Formulate, manage and develop scientific research projects, publishing the results of their research in scientific journals of the specialty.

Lines of investigation

- Dynamics and Geometry
- Differential Equations and Applications
- Matrix Theory and Applications