Consejo de Rectores demanda el “término inmediato del uso de balines y perdigones por parte de Carabineros en manifestaciones públicas”

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  • Consejo de Rectores demanda el “término inmediato del uso de balines y perdigones por parte de Carabineros en manifestaciones públicas”

 After almost 200 people have suffered eye loss, the CRUCH -through a public statement- argued that “public order is not a system of physical coercion in fact on the population nor can it be guaranteed through massive physical injury, because this represents the order of fear and a systematic violation of human rights ”.

The rectors called on the political authority to absolutely prohibit the use of these elements and presented an appeal for protection before the Santiago Court of Appeals, so that the uniformed police completely refrain from using riot guns and their ammunition during peaceful mobilizations.

"It is unacceptable that the existence of a police protocol authorizing such use is used as an argument," said the executive vice president of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH), Aldo Valle, when releasing a public statement from this institution, demanding the "immediate end of the use of pellets and pellets by the Carabineros" in public demonstrations.

This approach arises as a result of the serious physical damage that 197 people have suffered - according to the report of Sunday, November 10 from the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH) -, who suffered eye loss as a result of the use of these elements, within the framework of the citizen mobilizations that take place throughout Chile since October 18.

"This fact is a serious violation of the fundamental rights of the human person, which is intolerable in a State of Law," said the rector Valle, who released the public statement accompanied by the rectors Diego Durán (U. Católica del Maule), Darcy Fuenzalida (U. Técnica Federico Santa María), Juan Manuel Zolezzi (U. de Santiago de Chile), Claudio Elórtegui (Pontificia U. Católica de Valparaíso), Jaime Espinosa (U. Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación), Emilio Rodríguez (U. de Tarapacá), Patricio Sanhueza (U. de Playa Ancha) and Eduardo Silva (U. Alberto Hurtado), representing the 29 members of the Council. The general secretary of CRUCH, María Elena González, was also present.

The rector Aldo Valle said that “we make this statement in response to the fact that the General Director of the Carabineros, Mario Rozas, has said that it will be restricted to a limited use. This statement surprises us because the existing protocols to date establish precisely that this use must be limited. Unfortunately, from this statement it can be deduced that the protocol of the same body of Carabineros de Chile has been breached ”.

La declaración del Consejo además desestima que dicha institución pueda hacer uso de estos elementos en casos restringidos. “Lo que procede es que la autoridad política disponga la prohibición absoluta del uso de estos elementos, pues no basta con regular su uso, dejando al arbitrio finalmente de la misma policía su utilización”, aseguran los rectores. En la misma línea, sostienen que “la restricción para casos que la propia policía determinará sigue representando una amenaza y una vulneración para la seguridad e integridad de quienes disienten en estas manifestaciones públicas”.

En este contexto, “decimos a las autoridades y, desde luego, al ministro del Interior, que el orden público no es un sistema de coacción física de hecho sobre la población ni puede garantizarse mediante la lesión física masiva, porque ello representa el orden del miedo y una violación sistemática a los derechos humanos”.

Protection resource

This Monday, the rectors Claudio Elórtegui (PUCV), Eduardo Silva (UAH), Juan Manuel Zolezzi (USACH), Aldo Valle (U. de Valparaíso), Ignacio Sánchez (Pontificia U. Católica), Ennio Vivaldi (U. de Chile) , Carlos Peña (U. Diego Portales), Harald Beyer (U. Adolfo Ibáñez), and Álvaro Ramis (U. Academia Humanismo Cristiano), filed an appeal for protection before the Court of Appeals of Santiago.

In the first place, the academic authorities request that you completely refrain from using anti-riot shotguns and their ammunition, in the context of the peaceful demonstrations that will be called hereinafter and in which students and the general public will participate. .

Además se solicitó al tribunal que se informe exhaustivamente acerca de esa normativa que rige a Carabineros y de las medidas de capacitación sustantiva que esa institución haya desarrollado para que la misma sea efectivamente respetada por sus funcionarios y funcionarias.

A través del recurso se demandó también que Carabineros informe en detalle acerca de qué tipo de elementos de disuasión pretende usar específicamente en las manifestaciones sucesivas que se desarrollen.

The executive vice president of CRUCH thanked “the lawyers, the student leaders who have appeared together with the rectors, in this protection appeal and, specifically, I want to thank the professional work and the generous dedication that the lawyers Paula Vial, Nicole Neme and Claudia Sarmiento ”.


Ver declaración completa:  11.11.2019 DECLARACION CRUCH USO DE BALINES